Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Mint Hot Chocolate Brownies

(Mod from - nothing really, just rolled with this one)

Mint. Hot chocolate. BROWNIES.

This was actually amazingly easy- I had to make something for a Christmas Eve party, and I totally failed to achieve anything on the 23rd, and on the 24th I had to work. I managed to come home, make these, give my toddler some love, get her and myself dressed, and pack a diaper bag- in about an hour. Okay, not super timing- but I whipped these up, so that must count for something!

First - Preheat the oven to 350


Brownie part-
1 box Betty Crocker gluten free brownie mix
2 eggs
1/2 stick butter, melted
about 2 tbs cream or milk

Mix all that stuff together, adding the milk or cream so that it's not quite as thick as normal.

Pour into a parchment paper lined pan (I used a 7x11 Pyrex glass dish).

Mix in a half cup of mini marshmallows. Mmm.

Gooey part-
1 brick softened cream cheese (8oz)
1/4 cup sugar
1 egg
1/2 tsp peppermint extract

Whip all that stuff up with a hand mixer or in a stand mixer for a few minutes, till it's smooth and fluffy.

Swirl into the brownie mix with a few knives, and if you're good, you'll get a nice marble effect. If you're me- it will look just eh- but still yummy.

Bake for about 35 minutes- you want to bake it a bit longer than the box says, but take it out when it still has 3-5 minutes left- this is REALLY variable too- every oven really is different. 

Crush up 3-5 candy canes
Chop some chocolate- a Hershey bar, some kisses- whatever you have on hand

Sprinkle on the topping and put back in the oven. Bake for another 3-5 minutes. The candy cane and chocolate will melt- it will look super pretty. 

After you take it out, you can sprinkle on more candy cane (which won't melt) to make it look even prettier. 

If you have time, let these cool for as long as possible. I'd stick them in the fridge for at least a few hours if you want to cut them and be able to hold them. :) If you aren't concerned- eat them warm with a fork. They are MELTY and amazing! 

The combination of mint, cream cheese- marshmallows- chocolate- OH!!! The middle might seem super gooey if you don't let them set and cool- but it's still cooked and oh so messy and yummy!

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