Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Mint Chocolate Chip Cheesecakes

So. I tend to do things (cooking/baking things) without worrying about measuring. I guess I figure that I've been doing this long enough to "feel" what a teaspoon is, right? :)

I decided to make mini cheesecakes for my "big game" party. I was going to divide the batter and do something like a mocha-chip cheesecake, and maybe a cinnamon/nutmeg cheesecake with a (GF) snickerdoodle crust. I had PLANS.

Then I did my "usual" mini cheesecake recipe. I had two 8oz packages of cream cheese (which were quite softened - as they'd been sitting out on my counter for a few hours) thoroughly beaten in the bowl. I added 1 egg to it. Again, the beating. Then 2/3rds C white sugar. Things were looking good. 

I reached into my spice cabinet, whipped out a bottle of extract, and started my pour. BUT WAIT! It was NOT vanilla extract- which, for the record here, is the only kind of extract I've ever, EVER had in my spice cupboard. Ever. Seriously. Until recently, when I asked my husband for a bottle of mint extract. And I'd just dumped about 1 1/2 tsp peppermint extract into my cheesecake mixture.

*sigh* .....

I had a crazy moment where I imagined tossing the whole bowl into the garbage, because I couldn't figure out how "mint" and "cheesecake" went together... but then!!! I stared deeply into my mixing bowl and realized- of course mint goes well with creamy! Look at peppermint patties! Think of mint chocolate chip ice cream! Creamy mint can SO be done.

And done it WAS. By me. ;) I realized that the color was ALL WRONG, so I added 3 drops green food coloring, then I tossed about 2/3 cup dark chocolate chips (half-pulverized in a food processor) in, mixed some more- and yeah.

To make life slightly easier, I poured the mixture into a large ziplock-type bag, then cut out a corner- makes pouring into mini muffin tins so much easier!!!

Baked at 350 for 14.5 minutes (give or take a minute or two)-in a parchment paper-lined mini muffin tin, - and HOLY MOLY!!! It was like mint chocolate chip ice cream in cheesecake form!!! I consider that a WIN!!!

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